
If You Decide to Work in B2B Tech, Turn to Page 6

If you’re anything like me, you grow up reading choose-your-own-adventure books. As a child, I saw them as a way to control the storyline of the book I was reading by trying out different endings until I found one I liked. As an adult, I realize how much forging a career in PR resembles that same set of decisions.

If choosing PR is the book, deciding the type of PR is the adventure. In a previous blog, we’ve discussed making the decision between working in an agency or in-house. However, another big decision PR professionals must make is determining what kind of material they will work with. Consumer, tech, nonprofit, government and politics, healthcare—you name an industry, there’s a specialization in it.

Here at V2, we serve B2B cleantech, healthcare and enterprise technology companies. Executing campaigns for our clients means our teams are conversant in everything from decision intelligence and enterprise analytics to medical imaging and energy storage. While it may not instantly provide the glitz and glamour of fashion or entertainment PR, B2B tech is a very rewarding industry for a few key reasons.

B2B tech is the invisible power behind making the world as you know it run.

B2B technology underpins our modern economy and everyday lives. Have you ever wondered why that sofa or refrigerator you ordered took eight months to arrive? Our supply chain clients can explain. Have you ever noticed that an Instagram ad has followed you to TikTok or felt particularly seen by a direct mail campaign for exactly the kind of store you were thinking of shopping at? Ask our MarTech clients about the science of tracking consumer behavior. You interact with B2B tech in dozens of different ways throughout your day without even knowing it!

Keeping your finger on the pulse of B2B trends could give you a preview into the next big idea that will change the world.

B2B tech innovations can plant the seed for life-changing advances. Just look at email, which started as a business application and has since transformed the way we interact with everyone in our lives. If AI-enabled ultrasound technology and speech-to-text software that automatically translates doctors’ visits into patient records sound like the future, they shouldn’t—they’re just some of the realities our clients are making possible every day.

Keeping up with B2B tech means there’s always something new to learn.

You want us on your next trivia team. Did you know that only 23% of all new power generation and energy storage projects successfully connect to the power grid across the U.S.? We’re always learning new sectors, conducting new research and drawing new conclusions about the world around us. From analyzing the impact of personal power use on the grid to understanding why someone might pay too much for home insurance, our teams are conversant in much more than just PR.

As with every career decision, there isn’t one right answer for everyone. If you’re naturally curious, B2B tech will push you to learn something new every day. If that sounds like you, or you’re not sure which adventure to choose next, check out V2’s openings on our career page or drop me a line directly.


August 24, 2022


By Jenna Gilligan


Tech PR, V2 Culture
